It’s all about risk vs return.

If you’re just starting out as an Investor, there’s a-lot of information to absorb. We will help you understand your risk profile and select the right investments that match it. We consider your attitude to risk, your investment time frame and your financial and lifestyle goals to achieve the best possible results. Generally speaking, there are four main categories or asset classes to consider when investing:


Cash includes money in bank accounts as well as investments in bank bills, and some short term deposits. Cash investments provide stable, low risk income in the form on regular interest payments.

Fixed Interest

Fixed interest investments include short term deposits, debentures, mortgages and government and corporate bonds.


You can invest in property directly, (e.g when you buy a house or commercial premises such as a shop or office) or indirectly by purchasing units in a property trust that is listed on a stock exchange. This asset class includes residential, commercial, retail, hotel and industrial property.


A share represents part ownership of a company. Shares are generally bought and sold on a stock exchange.

Contact us for a free consultation

Kick off Meeting - We provide an initial consultation without any cost or obligation. Assess your current financial standing and receive a checkup on your financial health.

Research - We really take the time to listen to your needs and your story. Then we put pen to paper and break down your goals into actionable strategies.

Plan - Once your Financial Plan is complete we provide your personalised Statement of Advice and allow you time to further study our recommendations. 

Implement & Review - Once you're feeling good about the plan for your finances, we'll get started on making it happen! We'll put all our recommendations into action and review it with you regularly.

Fact sheets